

How to Make Your Door Burglar-Resistant?

The sight of returning to a home that has been broken into is terrifying to every homeowner. A safe home is a top priority for most people, and keeping it protected from burglars is a challenge that homeowners face. Among all the home safety solutions undertaken, door security should be […]

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Why Do You Need Security in the Suburbs?

A suburb is an outlying residential area of a city or town. The suburbs have grown at a tremendous rate in recent times. Many people prefer suburban life over city life because of the improved quality of life, lesser crowd, low cost of living, privacy, and to get in touch […]

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Locksmithing During a Lockdown

his is an odd time to be a locksmith. A good portion of the locksmithing business comes by word of mouth. Since much of our work is gained from word-of-mouth, social distancing has made our primary means of contact a bit stilted. Friends, business partners, mechanics, and more are keeping […]

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Why Buying a Smart Doorbell is Smart

Buying a Smart doorbell seems like an unnecessary extravagance at this point. However, it may be a very wise investment. Today we’re reviewing the Ring Doorbell Pro. It is essentially the same as the Ring Doorbell, but it’s slimmer and has a higher-quality resolution. These are some of the features […]

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Car Theft in Arizona

While automobile thefts nationwide are down, Arizona’s automobile thefts are slightly up, 1% giving us a spot in the top ten states with vehicle thefts.  Today we’re going to talk about how to prevent car theft. THE BASICS: Lock your car Don’t leave valuables or the garage door opener in […]

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Home Sales Security Tactics

Sources say that the Phoenix Valley is the fastest growing area in the country right now. Some people believe this is an excellent time to sell their homes, either to buy a bogger home, downsize, or even leave the area entirely. Regardless of the reason, security during the process of […]

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Security Away From Home

One thing that happens as we navigate our lives is that security away from home can become an issue. All of our locks, alarms, and security systems do us no good once we leave our homes. You may think of yourself as a person who takes security seriously, with things […]

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Safe Shopping

The holiday season is upon us, which means that pickpockets and thieves are on full-time status until after the new year. Security in malls and other shopping areas isn’t a high priority for retailers, so it’s up to us to make our security guidelines. Here are some security tips to […]

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Securing Guns

Gun ownership is a hotly contested topic in today’s political discourse. Ut, owning a gun safe or lock can quickly curtail who has access to the gun owner’s firearms. Even the people who have regular access to the home, such as family members, cleaning people, home repair technicians, and babysitters, […]

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Talk About Lock Bumping

While lock bumping has always been in the tool belt of the burglary expert, as the result of media attention, it’s now much more prevalent. Lock bumping is a process that burglars use to unlock your door in a matter of seconds. The ‘bump key,’ also called a 999 key, […]

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